Frequently Asked Questions
Who can play?
Any child that is between the ages of 13-19 are eligible to play (birth year 2005 thru 2011).
Powell Pioneers are fortunate to field 3 teams based on age and skill level (“A”, “B” and “C”).
When is the season?
● Signups occur November to April (sign up meeting announced on Facebook)
● Indoor practices start as early as January
● Games start each spring when the weather permits (typically no later than May)
● Season typically ends in July
● See https://www.powellpioneers.com/schedule
How much does it cost?
$200/player (this covers some uniform costs, insurance, and pre-season practices)
*Note, as additional requirements, we require each player to raise funds as part of their registration
requirement. Amount TBD based on player numbers, teams, etc.
How to stay informed?
● https://www.facebook.com/powellpioneerslegionbaseball
● Email pioneerbaseball26@outlook.com for more information